Projects - Wooden windows

Wooden windows from Tyrol

An initiative of proHolz Tirol / Holzcluster

HOLZfenster – natürlich aus Tirol” is a cooperation between Tyrolean master operations and supplier companies that are passionate about their focus on the special advantages of the various wood types for modern and also traditional windows.
Top innovations play just as great a role as the craft‘s roots in the centuriesold tradition and experience of the Tyrolean cabinet maker trade, especially with regard to the manufacture of windows.

Initiated and accompanied by proHolz Tirol / Holzcluster, the cooperation ´HOLZfenster -natürlich aus Tirol´ has combined a wealth of current know-how since it was founded in 2005. This collaboration between experts in architecture, science and research is a guarantee for end consumers that the products of member operations are state-of-the-art with respect to quality, ecology, economy and design.

Wooden windows from Tyrol are aesthetically pleasing, sustainable, long-lasting, stable and CO2-neutral!


"FARBBLICKE" - Tyrolean wooden windows exhibition